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Guidance for Acute, Long Term, Community and Dentistry Care
Guidance for Acute, Long Term, Community and Dentistry Care Acute Care Routine practices and additional precautions for preventing the transmission of infection in healthcare settings (Government of Canada) Infection prevention and control for novel coronavirus (COVID-19): Interim guidance for acute healthcare settings (Government of Canada) Infection prevention and control for COVID-19: Interim guidance for outpatient and ambulatory care settings (Government of Canada) COVID-19 FAQs for AHS Staff (Alberta Health Services) Hospital and critical care (BCCDC) Dialysis patients (BCCDC) Cancer care (BCCDC) Guidance for Acute Care (Ontario Health) Guidance for Labour, Delivery and Newborn Care (Ontario Health) Updated IPAC Recommendations for Use of Personal Protective Equipment for Care of Individuals with Suspect or Confirmed COVID-19 (PHO) COVID-19: Aerosol Generation from Coughs and Sneezes (PHO) PIDAC Best Practices for Prevention, Surveillance and Infection Control Management of Novel Respiratory Infections in All Health Care Settings (PHO) Recommandations intérimaires sur les mesures de prévention et contrôle des infections pour les milieux de soins aigus (Gouvernement du Québec) Algorithme décisionnel clinique pour coronavirus COVID-19 (Gouvernement du Québec COVID-19 : Avis du CINQ : gestion du risque pour la protection respiratoire en milieux de soins aigus (Gouvernement du Québec Long term, Home and Hospice Care Routine practices and additional precautions for preventing the transmission of infection in healthcare settings (Government of Canada) Infection Prevention and Control for COVID-19: Interim Guidance for Home Care Settings (Government of Canada) Infection Prevention and Control for COVID-19: Interim Guidance for Long Term Care Homes (Government of Canada) Long-term care and assisted living (BCCDC) Guidance for Long-Term Care (Ontario Health) Screening Tool for Long-Term Care Homes and Retirement Homes (Ontario Health) Guidance for Hospice Care (Ontario Health) Guidance for Independent Health Facilities (Ontario Health) Prehospital Care First responders (BCCDC) Guidance for Paramedic Services (Ontario Health) Community Care Guidance for providers of services for people experiencing homelessness in the context of COVID-19 (Government of Canada) Public health management of cases and contacts associated with coronavirus disease -COVID-19 (Government of Canada) Interim guidance on continuity of immunization programs during the COVID-19 pandemic Lifting of restrictive public health measures - Recommendations from the F/P/T Special Advisory Committee on COVID-19 (Government of Canada) Public Health Guidance for Schools (K-12) and Childcare Programs (COVID-19) Community-based measures to mitigate the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Canada (Government of Canada) COVID-19 and people with disabilities in Canada (Government of Canada) Guidance for a strategic approach to lifting restrictive public health measures (Government of Canada) Risk mitigation tool for outdoor recreation spaces and activities operating during the COVID-19 pandemic (Government of Canada) Community-based measures to mitigate the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Canada (Government of Canada) A framework for risk assessment and mitigation in community settings during the COVID-19 pandemic (Government of Canada) Risk mitigation tool for child and youth settings operating during the COVID-19 pandemic (Government of Canada) Risk-informed decision-making for mass gatherings during COVID-19 global outbreak (Government of Canada) Caring for vulnerable populations (BCCDC) Caring for people who use substances (BCCDC) Providing immunization services (BCCDC) Guidance for Home and Community Care Providers (Ontario Health) Guidance for Community-Based Mental Health and Addiction Service Providers in Residential Settings (Ontario Health) Guidance for Mental Health and Addictions Service Providers in Community Settings (Ontario Heath) Guidance for Community-Based Mental Health and Addiction Service Providers in Residential Settings (Ontario Health) Guidance for Mental Health and Addictions Service Providers in Community Settings (Ontario Health) Guidance for Primary Care Providers in a Community Setting (Ontario Health) Guidance for Essential Workplaces (Ontario Health) Guidance for Pharmacies (Ontario Health) Guidance for Occupational Health and Safety (Ontario Health) Guidance for Food Premises (Ontario Health) Guidance for Consumption and Treatment Services (Ontario Health) Guidance for Industry Operators (Ontario Health) Guidance for Emergency Childcare Centres (Ontario Health) Guidance for Homeless Shelters (Ontario Health) Guidance for Group Homes and Co-Living Settings (Ontario Health) Dentistry COVID-19 (Canadian Dental Association) COVID-19 (Canadian Dental Hygienists Association) COVID-19: Guidance for the Use of Teledentistry (Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario) COVID-19: Guidance on Returning to Dental Hygiene Practice (College of Dental Hygenists of Ontario) COVID-19 Recommendations (Canadian Dental Assistants Association) Recommendations for Dental Hygienists and Canadian Dental Assistants During COVID-19 Outbreak (Canadian Dental Assistants Association) Transitioning Oral Healthcare to Phase 2 of the COVID-19 Response Plan (BC College of Dental Surgeons/College of Dental Hygienists of BC) Expectations and Pathway for Patient Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic (Alberta Dental Association & College) Interim IPC Guidelines Related to COVID-19 Management ( Manitoba Dental Association COVID-19 Operational Plan for the Practice of Dentistry in the Province of New Brunswick (New Brunswick Dental Association Pandemic Plan COVID-19 For Emergency and Urgent Care (Newfoundland and Labrador Dental Association) COVID-19: Managing Infection Risks During In-Person Dental Care (Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario) COVID-19 Pandemic: Level 2 IPC Interim Protocol Update (Saskatchewan College of Dental Surgeons)
Reopen Dental Office Post COVID-19 The guidelines listed below are general recommendations for dental offices to consider as they design and implement their own protocols. Every practice is unique and their solution will be as well. We offer these guidelines for the initial phase of each practice’s “soft launch”. As we learn how to treat patients within our new circumstances, offices should expect to return to a full schedule.
Looking to the Future in Dentistry
The COVID virus has been extremely difficult for all of us. Beyond the devastation to people’s health and well being, dental offices are experiencing complete shutdowns in some places.
This will lead to poorer health over time since good oral hygiene is directly linked to better overall health.
As dentists, we need to prepare for a new “future” in dentistry for the time being. The proper time to reopen involves many factors. State regulations, practice location Outbreak significance in your area Emergency dentistry provided Dental team health Employee availability All these factors need to be considered before the decision to reopen or “soft” reopen is made.
In the meantime, dental practices and dentists need to prepare for the new polices they will need to put into place to begin seeing patient’s again.
Here are 10 points to consider and implement to protect yourself, your team and your patients. Please share your thoughts and ideas to help others in the dental profession work toward a safe reopen process.
10 Points to Consider when Reopening Dental Office
Patient Communication: Most Important Step. Explain how the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Works to every patient.
Stagger Patients: Do not stack dental appointments – Ramp-up slowly. Only use chairs 1-3-5.
Change Appointment Confirmation Style: Explain new safety policies over phone appointment confirmation calls. Ask if patient has any symptoms of fever.
Modified Patient Check-In: Reception room is closed. Check-in is done over the phone. Patients wait to be called-in for an appointment once the previous patient is gone and sanitation is complete.
Office Entry Restricted: Only patients may enter office for appointment. Spouses, friends caregivers and parents need to wait outside. They can assist patients to the front door and hand-off to Sanitization / Disinfection Technician.
Remove Non-essential Items: Any non-clinical items should be stored. Dental display models, flyers, brochures, nightguard samples, implant displays, etc.
Dental Supply Deliveries: All supply deliveries from package carriers or dental suppliers must be accepted outside and sanitized once in practice.
Contain all Aerosol Spray, Extraoral Suction: Use rubber dam to contain spray. Dental Hygienists should have an dental assistant help them and use a high volume ejector (HVE) for hygiene procedures. The modified ( Extra-Oral Vacuum Aspirator) EOVA machine is highly effective in preventing air contamination by dental procedures. Its main advantages are that it can easily be modified for use with any dental unit and it is relatively inexpensive.
Sanitization Technician / Environmental Dental Assistant: A new dental position. A roaming dental assistant is most qualified for this new job. They are responsible for sanitizing all areas of concern.
Take Patient Temperatures: Most difficult for dentists. You are not diagnosing or recommending medical steps to the patient based on temperature. You are simply protecting yourself, your team and your patients.
Real reasons why you should get your Extra Oral Vacuum System Now!
The aerosols produced during dental treatments remain around the dental chair for hours, and attache to the dentist clothing, hair and face masks. The extra oral vacuum eliminates the 99% of aerosols and droplets. Learn more here. The Dynamic Extra-oral Vacuum will make your clients feel safe and comfortable to schedule their next treatment with you. They will even talk to their friends and family of how safe they felt during the treatment. Expect their friends and family scheduling appointments with you soon. Bring back the cash flow to your business during this pandemic and prepare for the phase 2 later this year... don't mean to hope it comes, but that is what the media and the WHO is warning about.
Do your treatments as usual without delay and worries. Just position the Extra Oral Vacuum close enough to the patient's mouth, and let it do its job. It works like magic.
You will see your life in general recover from the lock-down, as well as your finances.
Start welcoming new customers to your office.
You can even contact your list of customers and tell them about your new infection control equipment, so they can feel safe.
And most importantly, BREATHE with total assurance that there is no mischievous virus hanging around.